Author: Mike Hiltabidle

Posts by Mike Hiltabidle:

HR Case Management and the Healthcare Vertical. A Perfect Match?

December 4, 2013 In my role with Dovetail Software I get the opportunity to meet with many different HR organizations and companies from across the country, all with unique HR Service Delivery needs. I must say that it is always interesting to see how differently folks handle the tracking and workflow process of Employee / HR interactions. It seems that almost all companies are at different stages of what I call “HR Case Management Consciousness”. They span from completely understanding the value and importance, and perhaps are even running a fully functioning HR Shared Service Center where all interactions are captured, handled and reportable, to companies that are still using manual processes or nothing at all. In any case, all of these conversations are thought provoking and highly enlightening.   One vertical that really seems to see the value of HR Case Management…

Mitigating Legal Risk by Addressing Employee Relations Inconsistency:

September 30, 2011 I have recently noticed a trend across client meetings: HR organizations are beginning to realize the risk that they are exposing themselves to by not taking a consistent approach to resolving Employee Relations (ER) issues. Some of the causes that I have seen for this inconsistency are listed below:   Decentralized ER groups: Healthcare organizations purchasing and rolling up  multiple hospitals then allowing them to continue handling their own ER issues. Large corporations with multiple locations and remote HR Management using disparate methods of handling ER issues. ER Advisors use different processes and/or policies to resolve issues. HR organizations not having a Knowledge Management Database to organize and reuse HR policies and solutions. HR organizations not utilizing a Case Management system to track and accurately report on ER issues, which creates blind spots in HR trends.   These are just a few…