Tag: What is HR Case Management

How HR Case Management Works

HR Case Management
June 26, 2018   The use of an HR Case Management system ensures that all HR interactions with employees are reported and tracked, that responses from HR or Management are consistent and timely, that legal and regulatory compliance are considered and adhered to, with records securely housed in a single location easily accessible by appointed administrators. What is HR Case Management? If we consider Customer Service, case management tracks interactions with customers, ensuring the purchasing and product acquisition experience is the best. If addressing case management in healthcare, this would be tracking of the life cycle of a patient and their every interaction with a healthcare provider or healthcare facility/system. HR Case Management is similar: reporting and tracking of every employee interaction with HR, which allows HR and Executive Management to understand the full employee experience with the employer. HR Data collected using Case…

Discovering HR Case Management – Video

Disocver HR Case Management
June 12, 2017 Quick Hit Informative Video [32 min] Dwane Lay and Rayanne Thorn of Dovetail Software present "Discovering HR Case Management" to share what an HR Case Management System should do and how it should assist an HR Department in creating a better Employee Experience. Additionally, get an in-depth review of the flow of HR Case Management.     Discovering HR Case Management JUN 2017 [32 min] from Dovetail Software on Vimeo.  

Discovering HR Case Management

discovering HR Case Management
May 15, 2017 HR Case Management Case Management, itself, speaks to tracking cases or issues with clients or customers. Healthcare Case Management tracks the life cycle of a patient, through every interaction with a healthcare provider or healthcare facility/system. HR Case Management is the reporting and tracking of every single employee interaction with the human resources department in an organization. This allows for the best understanding possible of the employee experience with the employer, as well as understanding the employer experience with said employee. And it is all about collecting the data from those interactions, then saving and using that data for future interactions, questions, or issues that come into HR - this keeps any information from being lost or allowing issues or challenges to be mishandled, mismanaged or not managed at all. The Flow of HR Case Management Made Easy Employee contacts…