May Webinar: Glocalizing HR Service Delivery

As you may have noticed, recently many of our educational resources have focused on HR Shared Services and building a successful HR service delivery model. Our latest eBook and last week’s webinar discussed key components necessary for creating a service delivery model that improves efficiency, lowers costs, and gives HR professionals the tools they need to be a strategic player within their organizations. However, one important consideration that we haven’t yet discussed and will cover in our next webinar is how to centralize HR, yet still connect with employees across the globe on a local level.
Cultural, religious and legislative differences determine and influence HR policy and practices in different part of the world. However, the goal of HR Shared Services Centers (HR SSCs) that operate worldwide is to standardize their core HR systems and processes globally.
But even as HR SSCs implement global standards and procedures, often HR policies must remain region or even country specific when it comes to HR service delivery.
How, then, can HR SSCs operate globally but customize service delivery to suit local laws, cultures and communication standards?
Enter Glocalization. A term which refers to taking products or services intended for a global market and adapting them to fit local needs.
On May 8th at 12:30pm CT, Ben Martinez, organizational development expert and HR Director at HireVue, and Dwane Lay, Head of HR Process Design at Dovetail Software, will discuss how HR SSCs can glocalize HR service delivery. You will learn:
- How to adhere to local culture, legislation and responsibilities while imposing global corporate standards.
- How to streamline HR processes and improve consistency without losing the ability to meet local needs.
- How to select and implement technology that enables you to fine tune your approach based on geographical location.
Hope you can join us! Register now.