HR Carnival, Dovetail Style

Welcome back, my friends, to the show that never ends. We’re so glad you could attend. Come inside! Come inside!
Yes indeed, we’re proud to host the HR Carnival again in 2014. So much great content and great voices in the HR space, and we’re just happy to be part of the community. Let’s jump right in!
Smile, You’re In HR! from Tiffany Kuehl over on the P.I.C. page. If working in HR has gotten you down on occasion, bookmarks this post to get you through those rainy days.
The immortal China Gorman tells us something that we should all know and remember, Good Ethics = Good Business. Based on the data, this is a lesson we need to make sure has everyone’s attention.
And since we can’t hear it enough, you should also read Leading Ethically in 2014 from Linda Thornton of Leading in Context.
Thinking about an RPF? Check out the latest post from Traci Deveau, HR RFP Creation, with more than 20 great ideas.
Trish McFarlane, one of the great HR voices going, says the best way to help is be a good listener. Which you should do when she speaks.
Mike Haberman brings us 5 Dramatic Predictions for HR. He always wins the award for the first to submit his post for this edition of the Carnival. Well played, Mike.
Leena Thampan from Wagepoint offers 3 Ways to Engage and Retain Your Top Talent. You DO want to retain them, don’t you? Thought so.
Wally Bock is part of the Carnival again, this time talking about Developing Better Bosses at Google. His post is a good chance for you to learn what they know.
We’re proud to be part of the HR community, so you can imagine how pleased I am to get to include a post from Andi Cale at the SHRM Bookstore. Check out the SHRM Store’s Great 8 of 2013, and maybe pick up a couple to read.
Robin Schooling is one of our favorites and always if she isn’t one of yours, she soon will be. Start with her post Please Take Note. And do so.
Our own David Greyson shares his thoughts on moving from a centralized HR model to a decentralized one, based on a bevy of discussions with practitioners and HR leaders.
If you like international submissions (and who doesn’t?), check out 4 Ideas to Build a Culture of Critical Thinking from Tammay Vora at TalentLens India’s Blog.
We’re high on SaaS as a strategy for both development and for building an HR tech platform. And no one delivers on the topic quite like Naomi Bloom. Please check out her Modest Rant on what SaaS is really all about!
Susan Mazza advises you to Make Room for Your Dreams. Good advice, though I assume she means life and career dreams, not the ones where your face is made of pudding. Unless you really love pudding, I suppose.
Life is about balance, and that includes the workplace. Here’s Prasad Kurian talking about that in his post Polarities of Leadership.
If anyone asks about the Real Value of Social Media Relationships, now you have an answer. I think you own Ian Welsh a thank you.
I’m sure you all have goals for the new year. If you’d like a few ideas on making them a reality, Jesse Lyn Stoner‘s post Getting Where You Want to Go is a good place to start.
We all know that recruiting is all about candidate experience. Right? Well, Melissa Fairman disagrees. You should go read why.
For another international viewpoint, we turn to Doug Shaw. Doug actually sent me two posts, Let’s Make the Future and Come as You Are. Unfortunately the rules are you can only send one post, so Doug is disqualified from any prizes that may be awarded. Sorry, Doug.
Next, a post from Stuart Rudner on employment law regarding requiring doctors’ notes from employees. While this is specifically regarding Canadian law, an issue this pervasive should have your attention.
I have a soft spot in my heart for Succession Planning. This post from Dan McCarthy is loaded with great advice on making it real.
Anyone who knows me knows I am a recovering comic book addict, so it should be no surprise that Patrick Mullarkey caught my attention with his post, What is your Lasso of Truth? I think you’ll dig it too.
And finally, Steve Browne commands you to FOCUS. And when the Godfather of HR speaks, we all do well to listen.
That’s the list for this time around. Thanks for joining us, and I hope you keep an eye on all these great voices for ongoing content. And remember, the last one out of the circus has to lock up everything.