Open-Survey Season is Here! Participate in the Sierra-Cedar 2015-2016 HR Systems Survey Today!

Survey Season is open, so make sure you stand up and be counted! But wait, did you know why you should even care about the Sierra-Cedar HR Systems Survey? If you’re in HR, regardless of role, this affects you – read on to learn how you can help catapult HR in your company!
The HR Systems Survey is the longest running, most widely distributed, and most highly participative research effort in the HR industry, annually tracking the adoption, deployment approaches, and value achieved from HR technologies. It studies the roadmaps organizations navigate and decisions they make regarding technology, integrations, processes, and people when building an HR function that serves their workforce and supports organizational outcomes. The survey provides practical data on emerging and innovative technology trends and helps organizations understand how they can capitalize on them.
Did you know: Last years results were based on over 1,000 unique organizations representing a total workforce of 19 million employees and contingent workers. So yes, it is the defacto standard for HCM surveys.
But…why should you even care?
Benchmarking and Funding – that’s why!
I have used this survey to help get sponsorship and internal funding for big HCM replacement projects while working in HR.
It’s simple. Take a read of last years survey, and benchmark how your company is doing against the survey results. For example, what is your current HCM spend per employee versus the market trend for your industry. If you are having trouble getting that head count report, my guess is that you are severely underfunded in your HCM spend per employee.
Use the analytics and findings of the survey to build a killer presentation for your leadership team, and prove the worth of HCM investment.
In my previous role, I was able to take key findings from this report, and gain sponsorship from the CIO, CHRO and CFO to invest in a new HCM system (Workday), a new HR Shared Services Tool and Help Desk (Dovetail Software) and a new Applicant Tracking System (Jobvite).
The survey provided me with credible information that assisted in securing that funding, ultimately catapulting HR’s technology into the future, and improving engagement with employees of the firm with great HR technology – think Employee Self Service!
So – go on, go complete the survey and get the results earlier, then take a look at their previous surveys to help you catapult your firm’s HCM technology!
Click here for the 2015-2016 Survey Form