How’s Your Communication with Your Employees?

Most Important Asset?
It’s a well-known corporate saying that “Employees are our Most Important Asset”. How many of you believe that about your corporate environment? I have previously written about the importance of a vendor’s employees happiness to the success of a company’s relationship with its vendor, but this post, while also about employees, addresses the communication within a company, which ultimately does impact employee happiness, which in turn will affect the job they do on behalf of your organization.
The Effectiveness of Communication
Recently, Davis & Company commissioned the survey of 1,000 employees from large corporations (minimum of 5,000 employees) in the United States to understand the effectiveness of communication on performance management, benefits, and compensation. One of the key findings was that Employees aren’t getting answers to their questions. “When employees have questions, they turn to the company intranet, HR representatives, and their managers; but only half of employees get the answers they need.”
Now, if you tie together the importance of a company’s employees to the importance of their happiness with their company to the likelihood that your key employees will stay with your organization, you see we have an opportunity (a positive as opposed to the negative, that there is a problem here) to improve a company’s relationship with its employees. While technology isn’t the answer to everything, and while great technology without a change in the environment will accomplish less, there is a great technological solution here that can help employees get answers to their questions from HR – a good case management or help desk application.
A Great Tech Solution
A good help desk application will track all of the questions from your employees, make sure they get answers (or it can automatically be escalated), and provide a knowledge base to help HR provide the answer accurately and quickly. In addition, if you integrate your help desk application with your employee portal, employees can look for the answers themselves, and if they don’t find the answer they are looking for can easily seek assistance from HR through the use of the employee portal which is tied together with your help desk application.
It really doesn’t take a lot to improve employee communication. It is up to senior management to Walk the Talk and do something about it.
Until Next Time,