December 8, 2016
CEO Stephen Lynn, "We think about data security all day long." Stephen Lynn, Chief Executive Officer - Dovetail Software “We (at Dovetail) have people who live and breathe thinking about security. What we do at the core is storing, transmitting customer / employee data. So that is what we have to live and breathe and think about." - Stephen Lynn Check out this great interview and learn what’s on Stephen’s mind: Cloud-based Software Security Wellness: a big part of Employee Engagement The heart of HR technology is still the people Why Dovetail? The Dovetail Culture Are the employes at the the tech vendor you are speaking with happy? Proving Company Culture - Technology will not fix a bad culture Stephen writes about Why "Happy Employees" Leads to a Successful Software Vendor Relationship On Twitter: @SNLynn On Employee Happiness: “What drives development…