March 1, 2018
GDPR Compliance for HR Data - How Difficult will it be to Achieve? [podcast, 19 min 40 sec] General Data Protection Regulation GOAL: One single privacy law for the EU HR Latte Expert Guest: Grant D. Petersen is a Shareholder at Ogletree Deakins based in Tampa, Florida. Mr. Petersen Represents and Counsels Employers of: U.S. and International Labor and Employment Laws U.S. and Global Data Privacy and Data Protection Laws Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and other international anti-corruption laws. Founder of Ogletree Deakins’ Data Privacy Practice Group Co-Founder of Ogletree Deakins’ International Practice Group. Additionally, Mr. Petersen advises clients regarding the impact of global data privacy laws in the workplace, the complexities of international transfers of human resources data, and practical steps for compliance with the upcoming General Data Protection Regulation. He speaks and writes Grant D. Petersen and Dovetail's Rayanne…