Tag: @DwaneLay

Why HR Needs Lean, and Lean Needs HR

Lean HR
April 19, 2016 Lean HR In case you didn't already know, I kinda like Lean.  I've dabbled a little in the idea of tying Lean and HR together, and at times, have been known to talk about it out loud.  But sometimes, I think it makes sense to go back to the beginning and talk about how these two topics work together, and why you need them both. Simplicity Lean is, at its heart, all about reducing waste.  That's as simple as it gets.  Find where you are losing time, money, or other materials, and then stop doing that.  It could be as simple as finding out the report you work on for two hours each week is no longer read by anyone.  It might be as complex as a complete warehouse redesign.  But every step is with the specific goal of spending…

The Power of Useful Knowledge – Knowledge Base Management

knoweldge base
January 28, 2016 Knowledge Management I wrote a piece on Getting Started with Knowledge Management that has been used by several of our clients at the beginning of their process.  If you're still trying to figure out what you should be doing to move off of the starting line, it could be very helpful.  And if you are serious about using an HR Case Management platform, then you should be very interested in the topic.  Otherwise, you are missing out on what might be the most powerful part of the system.  If you've done the foundation work, though, you might be looking around for the next step.  So let's talk about that, because the care and feeding of your knowledge base is a critical element of long term success.  Unlike most software companies, we use our own product every day.  When one of…

HR Tech and Advisory Boards

December 21, 2015 The Tradition of Advisory Boards There's a long standing tradition of HR tech companies creating advisory boards to help them guide their company.  This has been especially visible over the last few months, and I've had several clients and contacts asking about our board, how we use them, and what value they add.  The answer is really simple. We don't have one. It's not that we haven't thought about it or discussed it.  We did.  We had long discussions over it, and as a team made the decision that there wasn't value to us adding a board.  There are good reasons to have an advisory board, I think.  Here are a few of them, and our perspective. Product Direction The obvious (or at least the most often mentioned) benefit of an advisory board is, well, advice.  Getting input from thought…

Building Reminders in Dovetail Employee Engagement Suite

August 11, 2015 Employee Engagement Suite   The Dovetail Employee Engagement Suite (EES) was designed around a few simple ideas.   Our clients are smart. Our clients deserve to be able to build and modify their own configuration in ways that suit them. Our clients sometimes have better ideas than we do.   To that end, we purposefully built a system that is all about configuration choices.  This leads to my answering a lot of questions with, "It depends." Does the system notify you when you get a new case?  It depends. Do I have to log in to see my alerts? It depends. Can I have a hug?  It depends.  (OK, that one usually is a yes.  But you get the point.) Why is "It depends" the answer?  Because the question of "does it" depends on "have you told it to?"  Have…