Tag: hr process design

A Change Would Do You Good

February 26, 2015 A Change Would Do You Good How many times in the last few years (be honest) have you been involved in an HR project to identify something…a process, a model, a technology, a strategy to improve overall performance? How many times has that project been put on hold due to funding, resources, lack of leadership backing, or something else? And how many times has the broken inefficient process just continued? Does it all stem from a poorly supported or drafted business plan? In truth there are a hundred reasons why a project doesn’t come to fruition. But one stands above them all. A change would do you good, yet your business won’t successfully change or evolve when the PROCESS continues to be broken. What do I mean and what I think is the root of the problem? Resistance, the in…

The Heart of HR

January 22, 2014 Human resources has been referred to by some as the heart of a business.  This shouldn't be a surprise to anyone who has ever been a practitioner.  The role was once described to me, quite accurately I think, as part parent, part pastor.  Within HR, though, is often another layer of complexity, an internal ecosystem that centers on the HR shared services team.  They are very often the difference between employees cursing HR  and not even knowing it exists.  Which, when you get right down to it, is kind of what you want.  When employees talk to the HR help desk team, that means they aren't working.  And the longer they aren't working, the more your HR costs.  The best case, then, is that employees don't ever talk to HR, and when they do it is brief and not memorable (except…