Tag: Workday Cedrtified Partner

Becoming a Workday Select Partner

Workday Select Partner
August 21, 2018 Arduous? Yes. I remember as a kid being told by my mother that anything worthwhile requires work and effort. It's just the way it is, if you want something bad enough. It's no different as a working adult or as a company working to grow and maintain partnerships. The process to become a worthy solution partner should be difficult - it should require work and proof that updates and maintenance will be kept at the forefront of said partnership. For, that is how partnership success is achieved and kept. Dovetail spent two years learning about our partner Workday and the requirements and benefits of an alliance. We were eager to provide the research and documentation required of our dev team and partnership /alliance manager. Because, anything worthwhile requires work, right? And each year, we continue the work to further cement…