What HR Metrics are YOU Tracking?

HR metrics

What are you measuring?

HR Data and Metrics that include employee engagement, job performance, and attrition are often discussed at industry conferences and in published and promoted content, but what about these:

  • Number of complaints / issues filed by employees
  • Types of complaints / issues filed by employees
  • Which departments or supervisors and managers have the most complaints / issues
  • Resources, time and dollars, spent on these complaints / issues
  • Time to resolution of complaints / issues
  • Most common employee questions / requests / complaints / issues

Are you tracking what you need to be tracking?

Maybe your organization lacks bandwidth or the right technology to assist with tracking this date or perhaps, there is no centralized storage of your employee data, making it difficult to access and review consistently. Maybe you don’t know all you should be reporting on. Most likely, some complaints / issues take more time than others these days because of #MeToo.

We’ll be interested to see (and you should, too) the results of this year’s Sierra-Cedar HR Systems Survey. Will certain metrics be more important or popular than others? What opportunities for improved employee relations are HR departments missing out on because of money, necessary resources, bandwidth, or even knowledge? Are you sure you are capturing the necessary data to make educated decisions toward compliance and improvement?

Document, Document, Document

The first step to accurate reporting of any HR Metric is to document every employee interaction with HR and then have that information stored in a centralized location, capable of aggregating the data and producing reports.

Having accurately documented data available for review allows employers the ability to identify employee grievance patterns quickly, understand where money, time, and resources are being spent, which departments have the highest turnover and why, as well as which questions and issues are most often asked by employees. Wouldn’t it be nice to gather some good HR news and know which departments have the lowest turnover or the lowest issues?

Did you know that HR Case Management can:

  • Prevent employee complaints / issues /concerns from worsening or from even happening
  • Improve the consistency and accuracy of HR Management and Employee Relations
  • Determine where to review and improve policies, regulations, mentoring, as well as training and education for succession planning

Talent Management Software and HRIS can provide employers with the necessary data to track the right metrics, but employee relations data may not be not fully captured, and then, insights are lost that remain buried in files, on lost sticky notes, or in non-integrated software and systems.

A complete audit trail with concise reporting provided by an HR Case Management solution allows employers to see fully what their workforce is experiencing, where there are issues, and also provides the necessary details to implement change, create a path to prevent future issues, and quickly address and resolve employee concerns.

Dovetail is a SaaS solution that manages, tracks, and reports on employee interactions with HR.

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