The HR Carnival is Rolling Into Town!

If you’ve been around HR for any amount of time, you’ve surely seen or heard of the HR Carnival, run by friend of the show Shauna Moerke.  Well the train is rolling this way, and we at Dovetail are thrilled to be hosting an upcoming version.


On March 27th, the new carnival can be found right here.  Some of you may know that I like to have a theme when I host, and this turn is no different.


We at Dovetail are all about sharing.  Aside from sharing the workload and the knowledge in our software, we like to share what we know and what we love about the HR community.  So we are making sharing part of our theme.


When you get your submissions ready to send, we’d like you to include a link to someone else’s blog post as well.  Something you’ve read that you really loved.  Something that made an impact on you.  Or something that just deserves more attention that it is getting.  We will post them all!


So get on the stick.  Submissions are due March 25th, and the carnival goes live right here on March 27th.  You can send your links to me at


Don’t miss it!

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