HR Shared Services Center Super Bowl!

I imagine a world where HR shared service centers get together to wage friendly battle on a field of green and the profession is cheered by a stadium full of happy employees. Where the HR help desk teams gather at midfield for the ceremonial merit increase coin flip, led by a CEO who has dragged a table along with him (you know, so everyone can have a seat). And as teams line up in their classic Tier 1 formation, the fans look on, munching on their wellness program approved kale chips and sipping pure spring water from their HRSSC Super Bowl souvenir cups.
I see the teams engaging in a brutal contest of rapid firing questions about FMLA and 401k programs, while the defense furiously responds with automated emails, documented case studies and all the power employment law can muster. Back and forth they battle, with claims of supervisor harassment blocked by grainy video footage, requests for sabbaticals countered by reams of required forms, and questions about the available levels of dental insurance met with VERY REASONABLE REQUESTS for verifying dependents are indeed dependent.
In our HRSSCSB, of course, there would be a few changes from the “real” game. All of our contestants would be happy to talk to the media, and would act like professionals. Because HR people are nothing if not modest, as we all know. Instead of traditional uniforms, both teams would be dressed in khakis, suits, pants suits, or khaki pants suits. And all of the participants would be involved in preventing themselves from joining a union, even though no union has offered them membership.
You know this would be a good time, right? How do we make this happen? Any volunteers?