#SHRM14, No Kid Hungry and The Big Lebowski

Another year, another great event.
We are proud to get the chance to do some good for others in connection with SHRM Annual, this time held in Orlando. Once again, we partnered with our friends over at Dice to support No Kid Hungry. This year, in case you hadn’t noticed, we hosted a bowling party fundraiser. As an homage to Jeff Bridges, one of the biggest supporters of No Kid Hungry, We choose The Big Lebowski as our theme. Special thanks to Kings Orlando for hosting us!
This year we raised over $5,000, which translates to 50,000 meals for children in America. That’s a pretty good haul, we think. (But if you’d like to help us raise that number, it is NEVER too late to kick in a few dollars!)
As a team, we’re proud to have the chance to lead this event for SHRM each year. We get a great turnout, both in person and in donations, and the feedback we get from participants is that they appreciate a chance to give something back as well. Events like SHRM and HR Tech always draw big crowds, which then leads to big parties and big stacks of dollars spent to impress attendees. We like the idea of gatherings that drive big results, and our No Kid Hungry events have been just that. With the support of the man upstairs (meaning our CEO, Stephen Lynn, of course), we’ve been able to engage the HR community, raise awareness and help make a dent in the persistent problem of childhood hunger. And we plan to keep at it as long as it takes.
The work, just like hunger, doesn’t stop. Summer is especially difficult, since the school breakfast and lunch programs on which so many children rely are shut down. You can help by taking the No Kid Hungry Pledge right now to help end childhood hunger in America.