The HRSSI 2013 HR Delivery Practices Survey is Now Open! Complimentary Report Available

As you may recall, a few months ago we did a webinar with the Shared Services Institute’s (HRSSI) founder and president Jim Scully on Measuring the Performance of your HR Shared Services Centers. In the webinar, Scully shared a step-by-step method for determining which metrics you should be tracking in your organization, how to track them and what they mean.


Dovetail is now teaming up with HRSSI and other vendors to take it a step further and provide you with real-world statistics on how your peers are handling and measuring the success of HR delivery practices in their organizations.


We are proud to sponsor the fourth annual Shared Services Institute’s 2013 HR Delivery Practices Survey, which is now open for participation!


As a participant, you will receive a copy of the survey findings at no charge. The report will cover performance metrics to help you learn how your peer organizations perform on consistent measures, as well as service center operations, service technologies, HRMS deployment strategy, globalization practices and more.


The survey will remain open until January 31.


The HR Delivery Practices Survey is the most comprehensive survey of HR delivery and shared services operational practices available. It will take approximately 30 – 60 minutes to complete, depending upon how many of the questions apply to your organization. While this survey may take longer to complete than many online surveys you may encounter, the time you invest will be well rewarded by the richness of the findings you receive.


Click here to tak the survey. Thanks for your participation, and we can’t wait to share the results with you!

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