Need Help convincing the CFO/ CHRO/ CIO for HR Technology Investment?

Are you working on a new or improved HR Shared Service Center? Need that Investment for HR Technology? Want to know what funding resources and ideas are available? Read on…
The latest CedarCrestone Survey (in its 15th edition) is riddled with great information on HR Service Delivery. When I was a practitioner I often used excerpts from this survey to help support HR technology investments for HR Shared Services. One of the key findings in the latest survey around HR Service Delivery within an HRSSC reads – “Service delivery automation delivers at least 15% in administrative savings when pervasive employee and manager self service and a move to shared services with an HR help desk application is adopted.”
That last comment hits the nail on the head! Deploying an HR Case Management/ HR Helpdesk tool should be high on your Christmas Wish List this year! Wanting to know more on HR Case Management – email me at or comment below, or connect with me on LinkedIn, I have been working in this area for 15 years.
If you have not already done so, I urge readers to register and download the CedarCrestone Survey, you will also get included into next year’s survey as a respondent. The survey includes tons of metrics regarding HR Technology; I can testify that it has certainly helped with my previous engagements!
In summary, if you are currently looking at trying to find internal funding for HR Shared Services Technology investment, then it is a must read! Survey link is here: