Dovetail Software Expands Customer Support Services

We pride ourselves on our customer service. We walk the talk.
Towards that end, and taking our customer service to another level, we are offering two additional services to our Dovetail support package.
First, in an effort to bring a tighter link between our customers and Dovetail support personnel, and to ensure customers always have a point person they can turn to with any of their support needs, Dovetail is assigning a Service Account Manager (SAM) to each of our customers. The company will continue to provide its top quality support and allow customers to contact Dovetail for support via whatever means is most convenient for our customer, but the company wants to make sure if there are any questions, our customers have a person to turn to.
Second, as part of our annual support, Dovetail will provide a three day health check each year. The goal is to help customers maximize the use of Dovetail software and ensure customers are operating their CRM environment to its maximum potential. SAMs will work with customers and their staffs to proactively help them improve their application’s productivity, identify underutilized functionality within their system, document knowledge gaps within the user base, and recommend solutions and activities to improve skills and maximize efficiency.
We continue to improve our offerings, whether it is our software, our services or our support. Creating a tighter link between Dovetail and our customer’s organizations and enhancing the value of Dovetail is just one example. We hope our customers find these new services valuable, especially in these tough economic times when company personnel are being asked to do more with even fewer resources.
Until Next Time,