CedarCrestone Survey Reveals the Cost Saving Benefits of Implementing an HR Help Desk Solution for HR Organizations

The CedarCrestone 2012 – 2013 HR Systems Survey Whitepaper 15th Annual Edition is out! The survey provides a worldwide benchmark of Human Resources (HR) technologies adoption and the value achieved from their use.
The CedarCrestone 2012 – 2013 Survey Whitepaper covers adoption and trends for applications, deployment options, vendor outlook, expenditures, and value achieved for the following categories of applications. Throughout the report, CedarCrestone suggests implications and recommendations for both practitioners and vendors in the following categories:
• Administrative
• Service delivery
• Workforce management
• Talent management
• Social- and mobile-enabled applications
• Business intelligence/analytics
• Three emerging technologies: work management, big data, and social-enabled knowledge management
The whitepaper in its entirety is worth a read for any practitioner, vendor or consultant dealing with HR technology, but as a HR service delivery solution provider, I’d like to highlight a few of the findings as they relate to the service delivery category: *
- Service delivery automation delivers at least 15% in administrative savings when pervasive employee and manager self-service and a move to shared services with an HR help desk application is adopted.
- A Shared Services delivery model that includes an HR help desk application and self-service delivers the highest level of efficiency to enterprises.
- Three Year Application Outlook and implications for service delivery software: Out of all the categories listed, more respondents are looking to adopt HR service delivery solutions in the next three years than any other solution.

- Service Delivery: For vendors, some in the ERP space appear to have forgotten to continue to innovate here to improve the user experience with administrative processes used by employees and managers. Poor employee and manager self-service is a primary reason why organizations are looking for new solutions. Employee and manager adoption levels can be increased for these simple administrative processes through social and mobile capabilities providing an optimized and more satisfactory user experience. For practitioners, if your organization has not already adopted employee and manager self-service, there are likely resistance-to change issues with some older workers or types of workers such as doctors, professors, and field or manufacturing personnel. You must be able to prove the value to these workers to convince them to change how they deal with required administrative activities. In manufacturing, retail, and healthcare, you likely need to augment computer-based services with call center support within your shared services. Look for product suites that also have an HR help desk application such as Dovetail Software among others.

- Service Delivery Impact: Overall, organizations with three key service delivery technologie—employee self-service, manager self-service, and an HR help desk application—serve 15% more employees with their HR administrative staff.
- The advantage of using HR technology when serving employees: You can serve 15% more employees with service delivery technology.

- HR self-service and shared service and number of employees served by size of organization: Employee and manager self-service applications serve 40% and 25% or more respectively of employee or manager populations or with Service center and call center technologies serving 75% or more of the workforce in addition to employee and manager self service.

- HR Service Delivery Technologies’ impact the number of employees one HR administrative staff can handle by industry: Employee and manager self-service applications serve 40% and 25% or more respectively of employee or manager populations. Service center serves 75% or more of the workforce and includes call center technologies and employee/manager self-service

- Across all employer size categories, the solution that enables organizations to serve the most employees is a Shared Services model which combines employee and manager self-service, the delivery of services from a shared services operation, and also has an HR help desk (call center) technology solution.
- The results of the benchmark survey continue to point out that there is an optimal service delivery approach used by industry, with retail, transportation, communications and public utilities (with communications really contributing much of these results), and financial services seeing the greatest efficiencies delivered with shared services. On the other hand, healthcare and the high-tech manufacturing industry sector sees the greatest efficiency from employee and manager self-service. Over time, healthcare will eventually see the greatest efficiencies from shared services, but the industry is made up of smaller organizations (below 10,000 employees) and some of those have not yet matured to adopt a shared services delivery model.