5 Reasons to Attend the HR Technology Conference and Expo in 2014

Tim Sackett, a self-described typical HR buyer, recently blogged about why he hates buying HR software. He expressed sentiments that I’m sure many HR buyers can relate to, including the reoccurring suspicion that he’s getting an unfair deal. He’s even teaming up with Steve Boese to deliver a webinar on how to avoid getting taken when purchasing technology. If you are a technology buyer, I would highly recommend checking it out.
But as he says in his post, one of the ways to ensure you’re not getting ripped off is to check, and this starts with your network and your knowledge. Two things you can grow at the HR Technology Conference and Expo this year.
This conference is the largest conference focused on HR technology in the world. Last year, more than 3200 attendees made their way to the annual conference and expo, with over 300 exhibiting companies and over 65 new product announcements.
HR Tech attracts innovators, thought leaders, analysts and practitioners at every level. There is no better place network with your peers, discuss HR technology and see it in action.
In addition to a world-class expo, the conference offers lively debates and panel discussions, workshops, and breakout sessions on workforce management, talent management, recruiting, service delivery, analytics and workforce planning, and more!
If you’re still debating whether attending is worth missing a few days at the office or still need a little more to convince your boss it’s worth the time, effort and money, here are 5 reasons to attend this year:
HRE doesn’t let vendors run the content: Believe me, we’ve tried. There’s no package that affords vendors an automatic speaking slot or sponsorship that allows you to buy your way into it. The majority of speakers are HR practitioners sharing their experiences. You will also hear from innovators, thought leaders and analysts from all over the world. This might sound like a given, but it’s not. Many conferences allow vendors to purchase speaking slots and run the content, reducing it to a commercial for the highest bidder.
New leadership means a new experience: If you’ve come to the conference for the past several years and feel like it’s a great conference but you’ve just kind of “done it already”, you might find some welcome change this year. Steve Boese took over Bill Kutik’s position as co-chair and brings with him new ideas and a change in agenda that will make the conference feel like a completely new experience.
It’s the public debut of the 17th annual CedarCrestone HR Systems Survey: The CedarCrestone HR Systems Survey continues to cover the breadth of HR technologies that have most enterprise value, looking at and revealing the key trends in the HR technology market. It’s considered one of the most comprehensive and revealing surveys available on what technology organizations are implementing, what they plan to implement in the future, how they’re using it and how it has impacted their organizations. This year’s survey takes a more international focus specifically looking at global rollouts and gathering data from HR leaders worldwide.
The parties… I mean, the networking: While there is certainly not a lack of options for blowing off some steam at some seriously fun parties, this might not be the best reason to go to your boss with for why you should attend. However, the networking these parties and the conference in general offers is unparalleled by any other conference for HR Tech buyers. As Tim mentions in his blog post, one of the most important components for ensuring that you’re not only buying technology that will accomplish what you want it to accomplish, but that you’re also getting the best possible deal on it, is talking to other buyers that have implemented and used the same technology. There’s no better place for this discussion than the HR Technology Conference.
The Expo: With over 300 exhibitors showcasing over 70+ new products this year, the Expo alone is worth the trip for the HR tech buyer. Expo only passes are only $50 if purchased in advance. So if you’re just interested in seeing new products and comparing solutions, get yourself to Vegas, book a room and enjoy the Expo at a very low cost! You might even win some money (Dovetail is giving away $1000 per day to a lucky booth visitor) or pick up some other great prizes while you’re there. The Expo is also a fabulous place to network and meet other technology buyers.
Alright, you have your reasons for attending, now all you need is your badge and to book your travel and hotel (at a discounted rate through conference website). Register with discount code DOVE14 to save $500 off the registration rate. We hope to see you there!