Tag: HR Help Desk Software

A Change Would Do You Good

February 26, 2015 A Change Would Do You Good How many times in the last few years (be honest) have you been involved in an HR project to identify something…a process, a model, a technology, a strategy to improve overall performance? How many times has that project been put on hold due to funding, resources, lack of leadership backing, or something else? And how many times has the broken inefficient process just continued? Does it all stem from a poorly supported or drafted business plan? In truth there are a hundred reasons why a project doesn’t come to fruition. But one stands above them all. A change would do you good, yet your business won’t successfully change or evolve when the PROCESS continues to be broken. What do I mean and what I think is the root of the problem? Resistance, the in…

5 Reasons You Need HR Case Management Solution

December 16, 2014 There are potentially hundreds of reasons your company needs an HR Case Management (HCM) or HR Help Desk software solution. I’m going to briefly point out the five most obvious which will likely keep you up nights trying to figure out how you’re going to get this project added to your short-term list of Top HR Initiatives. If you’re currently in an HR Shared Service model, you’re probably ahead of the curve and on your way toward putting in the backbone (technology) or you already have. Otherwise…here’s the down-and-dirty rationale on why you need an HCM technology solution. You’re being sued Are you currently facing litigation? If so, you clearly understand the stress of having to gather the supporting information to defend your side of the lawsuit. If the employee was fired for cause for instance, it would be helpful,…

HR Help Desk – When Worlds Collide!

November 28, 2012 I spent a good part of my early career working in telecommunications, specifically for Internet providers.  I started off in customer service, but soon found myself running Technical Support.  With a handful of really good technicians, we ran a help desk that answered just about every question you can imagine.  Calls about the Internet being down for no good reason (the power was out in the customer's home, which will slow you down a bit) to explaining the physics behind twisted copper wiring and signal attenuation ("You mean people in the ghetto can have DSL but my two million dollar home can't?!?") came up on a regular basis.  If you've ever wondered what kinds of call come in, there are plenty of stories you can read.   Our job, at its most basic, was to be available and to have the answers.   Years later…

Top 5 Reasons to Visit Dovetail Software at the HR Tech Conference

September 23, 2011   Deemed “the world’s best conference on HR Technology," the annual HR Technology Conference & Exposition  is the largest North American gathering of HR professionals, experts and technology vendors, and Dovetail is excited to be a part of it. With all the great vendors and service providers exhibiting this year, it may be tough to make it to all the booths. However, we’d like to be on your short list, and here’s why a stop at the Dovetail Booth #353 is worthwhile: 1. We’re a NEWBIE. As Naomi Bloom pointed out via Twitter, there are over 220 exhibitors at the HR conference and a ton of fresh faces. This is our first time to exhibit at HR Tech so visiting us will ensure you’re seeing a product you’ve never seen at past HR Tech Conferences. If you’ve never used HR…