The Carnival of HR – It’s All About Sharing

One of the best things about having a blog in the HR world
is getting the chance to be part of the Carnival of HR. If you are really lucky, you occasionally get
to host it and call the shots. And I,
apparently, am very lucky indeed!
This carnival is about sharing and evangelism. My partners here at Dovetail have never been
shy about promoting the practice of HR, so we decided that we should spin the
carnival in that direction. We asked for
submissions not just of good posts, but of good posts from someone else. I had no
idea how flooded I would be with responses!
Sure, there are some of our favorite writers included, but
you’ll also find plenty of new names, pushed to us by those favorite
writers. There are a ton of great voices
out there, and we should all be active in seeking them out. Be warned, you may spend the next few days
digging into all this content. Don’t think you have to swallow it all at
once. Pace yourself. The next Carnival isn’t for two weeks!
To get us started, I’m going to share a post that, I think,
captures this spirit perfectly. Steve Browne recently wrote a post
called HR Evangelism, and
it’s all about sharing. It’s about
taking the time to look around, see all the great topics and content out there,
and then pushing it to others through whatever means are available. While we didn’t set up the link between that
post and the carnival theme, sometimes the world is ready for a revolution and
we all get there at the same time.
With that said, let’s get to the rest of the good
stuff. All of these posts are either
submitted by the author or by someone who really loved it. And all are worth your time.
From Sarah White:
Resources Technology, Agility, and Globalization in 2013. Sarah is a rare breed, one who ended up in
our space on purpose, and happens to
be really great at what she does. Check
out her post on the globalization of technology in advance of her 2013 Talent
Acquisition Trends Report.
Michael Carty sends
along the March
HR Data Roundup from our friends at XpertHR, and ponders the endangered
species that is traditional work.
Speaking of XpertHR, David Weisenfeld sends along a
note about the
latest partnership for their team.
(Spoiler alert: It’s Dovetail.
And I contributed to the post.)
Of course, it’s only fair to allow Emily Lewis to tell
our side of the story.
Naomi Bloom
says There Are No Stars On
A Failed Project.
Tough to argue that one. And she
uses one of my favorite cartoons of all time.
Rory Trotter
tells us why he
thinks HR Matters, and does some evangelizing in the process. Also, he includes one of my very favorite
blog features. Footnotes.
Who doesn’t love seeing a CEO who blogs? Our own Stephen
Lynn steps up for the Carnival with a look at Providing
Consistent HR Service Delivery. Can
you achieve perfection?
Friend of the show (and my partner on this months Dovetail
HR Webinar) Mike Haberman brings
us some thoughts on clothing technology and where it is going with Tracking
Your Employees By The Uniforms They Wear.
Linda Fisher
Thornton asks Which
of These Is Ethical Leadership? She
explores 3 definitions on the graphic is “ethical leadership” and
discusses how the minimum standard for ethical leadership is evolving. Very interesting stuff!
Philly’s favorite son, our own David Greyson, drops in with advice on getting your project moving. Break Free of Legacy HR Data Paralysis!
John Hunter drops by with his
always-great content from the Curious Cat blog, this time asking What
Does Respect For People Really Mean? John is one of my favorite writers, and I’m
always excited to see new stuff. This
post is no exception!
Miller stops in to offer advice on Giving
Career Advice – Helping Others See the Obvious. Sometimes it takes outside eyes to really
make sense of the world.
With Generational
Reductionism, Mervyn Dinnen
shares his thoughts on the debate about the differences in generations in the
Letnik gives us a glimpse of the future with
her post, Google
Glass Knows All About You. It’s not as far off as you might think.
We all love books. We all love free. And we all love Ben Eubanks. So you should be all over his Employee
Performance Management ebook!
When High School Hormones Meet HR, Robin Schooling
is there to capture the story. And no
one is surprised. Or disappointed.
Appel joins us with A
Case of Mistaken Identity.
No worries, Wendy. We know
exactly who you are!
Mertz has a great take on Empathy: Making the Connection. Very
important stuff for the HR pros out there.
My fellow St.
Louis resident Erik Smetana chimes in with a post about finding the career
path and the organization that is right for you. My
Worst Job Was My Best Decision Ever.
Miller brings us a post on Next
Level Leadership.
Are you ready to review you leaders or, even scarier, yourself?
Speaking of leaders, how’s that
succession plan coming along? You may
want to check in with Julie
Winkle Giulioni for some tips on Building
the Bench!
If you deal with a sales team (and you
probably will at some point), you’ll want to check
out this guide from Chris Young
on getting the right ones.
Mazza writes on the Key
to being Adaptable. One of the most unappreciated skills
in the workforce, I think.
It’s tough to talk about fear, let
alone face it. Paul Smith
(one of my very favorite people and writers on this pebble we’re schlepping)
has done just that, and this is a fear that sits pretty close to home. I
Hate the HR Fear.
Many Choices Do You Really Want? No seriously.
Roesler discussed sorting out the difference
between genuine choices and ingrained habits. I’m sure the number of entries in this
edition of the Carnival will thrill him!
Gould breaks his silence of nearly a year to
bring us this post on Leadership
and Sharing What You Know.
Welcome back!
Another one from the Dovetail
family. (What I can I say? We love to share!) This one from Traci Deveau,
Software Implementations Fail. A topic we all care deeply about!
Working with limited resources? How
about some
tips on Talent Acquisition from Tribe HR?
Chris Wells of Kapta Systems brings
some knowledge on Goal
Alignment and Competitive Advantage. You want those, right?
Tarvin delivers The
Comedy Experience, An Interview with Peppercomm. It’s about funny in the workplace. Go laugh a little.
Did I mention the Dovetail team likes
to share? That includes Emily Lewis,
our Marketing Director. And here she’s
writing about a book I shared with her, and that Jonathan Brewer
shared with me! Yay sharing!
is highly underrated when it comes to employee engagement. Our partners at cFactor
On the evangelism front, I received numerous links to posts
and blogs for those that deserve more attention. Here’s the list, all submitted by someone
other than the author….
Julie Waddell, a
fan of coffee, chocolate, and The Walking Dead (so she can’t be all bad) brings
forth Accidental HR: A dash
of synchronicity and a heaping spoonful of sarcasm.
From Singapore, we have Whipper Snapper HR. On top of the great content on her blog,
you’ll have to admit Sarah Miller
has a great eye for visuals.
Also, proud to introduce Carlos Escobar to the blogging
community. His very first post can be
found on his page cescobar78. Help us welcome this former SHRM chapter
From Alex Hagan,
a post from Australia on The
ROI of Talent Management Programmes from Strategic Workforce Planning.
A podcast from Tanveer
Naseer on How
Leaders Grow Intelligence, featuring Liz Wiseman.
From Jon Miller at Gemba Panta Rei, Three
Rules for Rules. It’s so meta!
A great post of lifehacking from Todd Schnick: How To Be Better With
Whatever You Want To Do.
A fun list of the HR
“rites of passage” from Gemma Reucroft. I wish that none of these sounded familiar…
Haden at Inc. Magazine
brings us 10 Things Extraordinary People Say Every Day.
Robin Shea posits that The
Pay Gap is Mostly Bogus in relation to gender. But only mostly.
Paul Taylor asks good questions and
provides important tips in How
Social Is Your CEO?
It wouldn’t be a Carnival without Tim Sackett. It just wouldn’t. Do
You Offer Unique Employment Experiences?
Todd Maycunich deserves inclusion for
the movie reference alone. Do You Have Any Thoughts of Your Own?
Dominique Rodgers
drops a great Fun Friday – Ides of March Edition on us.
Starting a new gig? You’ll want
these tips!
Mistakes happen. We know
that. Dan McCarthy brings
you thoughts on how to deal with them when the do.
If you name your blog Life Without Pants, I’ll read your post. Hire People Smarter Than You. Well
played, Matt Cheuvront.
Leadership. HR.
Ninja Turtles. Janine
Truitt. You have been warned.
from Justin Harris brings up
some great question about where we are going in our lives.
Dr. Anne Dranitsaris and Heather
Dranitsaris-Hilliard bring us new thoughts on Personality
and the Brain. Diversity isn’t just
skin deep, you know.
And finally, Tim Gardner’s post Voices
In My Head touches on life outside the HR department, and brings it all
back around, somehow, to Steve Browne.
That’s the show. You’ve got two weeks to digest all of it!