The Carnival of HR Returns!

It’s Back!
Carnival of HR: I feel like we just finished sweeping up the popcorn and peanut shells from last time, and yet here we are!
I’m always excited to get to host the carnival. It’s a great chance for us to stay connected to the HR community that means so much to us, and to share our platform with great authors in our space. Thanks to all of you for visiting and reading. Please take a few minutes to check out the links.
Theme: Conferences
Our theme, loosely applied as always, is around conferences. We do a lot of them, and we were very much looking forward to SHRM16 this month. We’ve realized, though, that the show starts on Father’s Day this year. That’s happened in the past, and it usually kills off any chance of attending for me. As much as I look forward to attending, we as a community talk a lot about work/life balance. This is one of those balance moments, and is frankly an easy choice. So if you are heading to D.C., give everyone a wave or fist bump from me, and I’ll look for you next year. Until then, I’ll keep reading everyone’s updates, like some of these below:
For The People !! – Steve Browne. If you know the Godfather of HR (as we like to call him), you’ll know that this post is going to be very positive and uplifting. Steve was recently elected to the SHRM Board of Directors, and is a great choice as the voice of HR practitioners everywhere. If you don’t know him, get to fixing that.
The Top 15 HR Vendor User Conferences for 2016 – Sarah Brennan. OK, so maybe you can’t make it to SHRM either. Sarah has a great list of options for you to check out!
Dovetail Software: Some Assembly Required. Alright, this is mine. But I really wanted to share it with you. If you’ve not worked with SaaS before, this might help you understand it a little better. Or not. Mostly I like talking about Lego.
31 Work Productivity Hacks to Make You Twist and Shout – Miles Anthony Smith. Get yourself ready for the summer with some great ways to realign and refocus your energy at work. Then you can knock of early and get the grass cut like you’ve been meaning to for the last week.
Acting Without Theory Often Results in Wasted Effort – John Hunter. I started reading John’s blog years ago, before I even started writing my own. He’s got a great blog full of practical advice and a meaningful approach to work. He’s always one of my favorite reads, and this post is no exception!
We Are NOT Cool Kids, And There Is NO Special Circle – Derek Zeller. Back on the conference theme, this is a great piece on what the “regulars” see and think. Derek is one of the best people you’ll meet out there, and his perspective is spot on.
Communication Matters – Judy Lindenberger. We all wish we were better at communication, or at least we wish the people around us were. If you’re in that latter group, maybe share this link with them!
Why Are Corporate Employees Unhappy? – Geo Mihalache. This isn’t a hatchet piece on big companies, or on their employees. In fact, it’s a great look at how to right your own ship as needed. Even if you are already happy, these tips can still be applied!
Former Executive Director of HR Files Wrongful Dismissal Claim – Stuart Rudner. It wouldn’t be a Carnival without at least one “this could happen in your world” post. This is a great case study from our Canadian friends, with lessons we should all heed.
The Simplest Way to Explain Health Benefits to Millennials – Julien Emery. If you are a Millennial, work with a Millennial, or think you might someday work with a Millennial, this is a very useful primer on speaking their language on an important topic.
OK, one more Dovetail post. But not because it’s ours. Rayanne Thorn did a three part podcast with Jay Kuhns on Healthcare HR. Jay is one of the best people to speak on this topic, as well as just being one of the best people. Check out part one, part two and part three. You’ll be glad you did or we will refund the cost of admission.
That’s the roll call for this month. Thanks for stopping by, and hope to see you again soon!