The Rising of Dovetail – Partnerships Matter

Lessons of Partnership
One of the most important lessons I have learned over the last several years while working for and with HR technology companies has been the importance of establishing and maintaining partnership relationships. Interestingly enough, some of my best friends in life have come as the result of creating a business / vendor relationship or working partnership.
Loyalty Pays Off
I have have been known to be a pretty loyal partner – I have worked with individuals and organizations for years and even brought new partners to the table to enrich a project but there have also been times when I have held the speaker high, by myself, and just proclaimed the good work of a partner/friend or my own organization. There is a right time for each approach.
Today I Shout for Workday
Two years in the making, Dovetail recently announced our Certified Solution Partner status with Workday. I have seen my colleagues work hard to reach this goal and I have loved coming in on the tail-end of this well-earned status and praise those who toiled for this achievement. I think I speak for the team, when I say how proud we are and that it was worth the wait.
We Prepare for Rising
Not too long ago, I was lucky enough to attend Workday Altitude with my colleague, Kane Frisby, to learn more about what it means to be a Workday partner. It was an awesome experience filled with new friendships and a gained understanding of the power of valuable relationships. It isn’t just about the almighty dollar or the notoriety. It’s about service, TRUE customer and partner service.
Today, our team prepares to showcase what we do best, provide an intuitive product that truly serves our clients, at the Workday Rising conference. We look forward to spending time exchanging ideas and contact information with other professionals who also value relationships and bettering the lives of employees. In an era of selfish consumption and technology overload, it is a great thing to give back, to build up, and create loyalty.
“I’m sort of a foot-on-the-gas kind of guy.” – David Duffield, Co-founder /Co-CEO Workday
We’re glad to be in the car with you, sir! Step on it!
-Dovetail Software, proud Workday Partner
**If you’ll be at Workday Rising Conference (#Wdayrising) – Stop by and see us – We’d love to share our story and why we think employee engagement is so important to today’s workforce. We’re at Booth #543 – we’ll keep the light on for ya!