Dovetail Reporting – When You Need ROBUST HR Reporting

Dovetail HR Reporting
We recently upgraded our reporting engine to deliver the robust experience HR needs when it comes to understanding the data they gather and store. I know, I know — there’s that word: data. Guess what? It is part of business today and HR, being a contributor to the success of an organization, knows that numbers and metrics with the analysis of all the data collected is imperative to recognizing what works, what hasn’t worked, what is no longer working, as well as when it’s time to shift and change, or implement a new process.
What does ROBUST mean?
It means that Dovetail’s upgraded HR Reporting Engine provides:
- Out-of-the-Box Report Writing Templates
- Tight Security Integration
- Multiple Languages and Cultures
- “Get Help” Function
- Familiar Report Creation Interface
- Report Scheduling
- Password-protected Export of Reports
What does all of this mean?
TEMPLATES: With the ability to write more robust reports than ever before, Dovetail Reporting has built-in templates for quick report building, as well as departmental ability to create whatever report is necessary for organizational evaluation of processes, transactions, and interactions.
SECURITY: Today, more than ever before, organizations place a great deal of concern on information security. With the tight integration between Dovetail HR and our Reporting Engine, all data and reports are secure. The same security and data segregation available in the Dovetail app transfers to the Reporting Engine: users only see information they are designated to see. In short, your data is secure.
GLOBAL: Dovetail continues to grow our global footprint and to that end, our culture and language functionality is consistently updated. This extends to report writing with expanded cultures / languages available. We understand that to be global, you need to do more than think global, you need the functions in place that make you a global company meeting the needs of your global clients.
HELP: This is my favorite new feature – Get Help – who doesn’t need help every once in a while when it comes to creating, writing, and understanding reports? Within the Dovetail Reporting Engine is a report writing knowledge base and a search bar to query and get answers.
FAMILIAR: With a familiar report writing interface, some of the strain of creating and writing reports is eased. It looks and feel like working in Word or Excel, thus inviting users – not scaring them away.
SCHEDULING & DISTRIBUTION: Scheduling and distributing reports just got easier. Maintenance of the report writing function can be significantly eased with the ability to schedule regular reports and distribute them to the right people, every time.
EXPORT: Additionally, users can select export type with password protection. Export or Output selections include HTML, Excel, PDF, RTF, and CSV.
Is Report Writing a Breeze?
Can anyone answer that with the affirmative? Most likely not – but with its enhancements and recent upgrades, Dovetail Reporting delivers an enjoyable report writing process, removing the process dread so many HR departments understand far too well.
Making work easier – it’s what we’re about at Dovetail.