Tag: healthcare

Healthcare HR: Getting #HRfit

September 20, 2016 Healthcare HR Expertise Not too long ago, or veep of marketing sat down with Healthcare HR expert, Jay Kuhns. Jay heads up Healthcare Strategy at Kinetix and is known as THE guy when it comes to forward thinking in a Healthcare HR department. He travels all over the country speaking, presenting, keynoting, and assisting HR departments in healthcare organization understand the impact of employment branding, employee engagement, and employee experience and how these each contribute to the retention of quality healthcare employees. Blessed, Lucky, Fortunate We feel blessed, lucky, and fortunate at Dovetail to call Jay a friend and mentor when it comes to Healthcare HR, He knows his stuff and we are only too happy to share it with you. HR Latte Dovetail HR sponsors HR Latte where Jay was recently the guest in a three-part series: SERIES: Healthcare…

Healthcare HR Today, part 2

healthcare HR
May 20, 2016 Part 2 of series with Healthcare HR Expert Jay Kuhns Series: Healthcare HR Check-Up Key Point Podcast Episode 2 Jay Kuhns, VP of Healthcare Strategy at Kinetix HR addresses Taking Risks & the Fear of Change for Healthcare HR in Part 2 of quick-hit podcast, key point podcast. “If we are not going to attract or retain the right talent, we have a failed business strategy.” – Jay Kuhns Discussion Points for : How inaction hinders  growth and forward movement Getting so behind the times that disallows talent attraction Mitigating public ridicule and bullying from senior leadership The Fear and Risks of Change Healthcare is a Business, HR is part of that business Jay addresses Perceived Risks from Change to Healthcare HR Today and how some senior leaders often feel insecure or threatened by colleagues who have kept up with technology in this Part 2…

Healthcare HR Today, Part 1

healthcare hr
May 19, 2016 Dovetail sponsors 3-part series with Healthcare HR Expert Jay Kuhns Series: Healthcare HR Check-Up Key Point Podcast Episode 1 Jay Kuhns, VP of Healthcare Strategy at Kinetix HR addresses Employer Branding for Healthcare HR in Part 1 of quick-hit podcast, key point podcast. “I’m seeing a lot of HR departments wanting to be more contemporary…, and I am seeing this as a newer phenomenon. ” – Jay Kuhns Jay addresses Perceived Risks from Change to Healthcare HR Today and how some senior leaders often feel insecure or threatened by colleagues who have kept up with technology in this Part 2 of quick-hit podcast, key point podcast. “Embarrassingly easy way to start – you can automatically post content,  your own organization’s content – approved and vetted content from your organization’s marketing department is an easy way to re-purpose content to benefit the HR department. You…

Healthcare HR Check-up

Healthcare HR
March 15, 2016 Why Healthcare HR? Dovetail Software is committed to expanding our reach and information share to HR departments in specific industries that include Healthcare, Higher Education, Hospitality, and Retail. With each of these industries, as well as with our healthcare clients, comes  a level of responsibility to understand the particular challenges to talent management in hospitals and healthcare organizations Dovetail is excited to share what we have learned and provide content that benefits not only our clients but all those who face Healthcare HR head-on.  We look forward to sharing unique blogs, podcasts, white papers, webinars, and case studies specific to Healthcare Human Resources. Your Requests If there is a particular topic in this arena which interests you or could assist your department, we would love to dive into it and deliver solutions or answers that help. Feel free to message…

HR Case Management and the Healthcare Vertical. A Perfect Match?

December 4, 2013 In my role with Dovetail Software I get the opportunity to meet with many different HR organizations and companies from across the country, all with unique HR Service Delivery needs. I must say that it is always interesting to see how differently folks handle the tracking and workflow process of Employee / HR interactions. It seems that almost all companies are at different stages of what I call “HR Case Management Consciousness”. They span from completely understanding the value and importance, and perhaps are even running a fully functioning HR Shared Service Center where all interactions are captured, handled and reportable, to companies that are still using manual processes or nothing at all. In any case, all of these conversations are thought provoking and highly enlightening.   One vertical that really seems to see the value of HR Case Management…

Dovetail Announces lucky iPad Winner is ASHHRA Conference attendee Tina Boeckenstedt

October 11, 2012 Dovetail Software is excited to announce that Tina Boeckenstedt with Children’s Hospital of Colorado is the winner of our ASHHRA booth raffle item- the Apple iPad 3. Dovetail Software recently exhibited at the 2012 ASHHRA conference. At the three-day conference, held in beautiful Denver, Colorado, attendees had the opportunity to learn about the hottest trends in healthcare HR, network with fellow HR professionals and earn up to 18.5 recertification credit hours.   Dovetail attended to showcase Dovetail Support Suite for HR, our web-based support software including a comprehensive, customizable HR Help Desk, integrated Knowledge Management, Self Service and Analytics. Tina stopped by our booth to learn about our HR Case Management and was randomly picked out of hundreds of booth visitors as the winner  of a brand new Apple iPad!   Congrats Tina! You can now surf the web, read eBooks and play Angry…