Dovetail Announces lucky iPad Winner is ASHHRA Conference attendee Tina Boeckenstedt

Dovetail Software is excited to announce that Tina Boeckenstedt with Children’s Hospital of Colorado is the winner of our ASHHRA booth raffle item- the Apple iPad 3. Dovetail Software recently exhibited at the 2012 ASHHRA conference. At the three-day conference, held in beautiful Denver, Colorado, attendees had the opportunity to learn about the hottest trends in healthcare HR, network with fellow HR professionals and earn up to 18.5 recertification credit hours.
Dovetail attended to showcase Dovetail Support Suite for HR, our web-based support software including a comprehensive, customizable HR Help Desk, integrated Knowledge Management, Self Service and Analytics. Tina stopped by our booth to learn about our HR Case Management and was randomly picked out of hundreds of booth visitors as the winner of a brand new Apple iPad!
Congrats Tina! You can now surf the web, read eBooks and play Angry Birds at the touch of your fingertips.