CSO Kane Frisby interviewed at #HRTechConf, “Getting HR Fit”

Kane Frisby, “Using data to improve HR processes”
Kane Frisby, Chief Strategy Officer – Dovetail Software
“The majority of HR teams are probably running unhealthy and getting fit can take a bit of effort. We like to help HR departments run themselves and we keep our product up-to-date.” – Kane Frisby
We can help you get your HR department in shape and keep it in shape. Dovetail’s new employee portal will have significant impact on the engagement and experience of your employees.
Check out this great interview and learn what’s on Kane’s mind:
- #HRfit
- Employee Portal, HR Help Desk, Knowledge Management, and Reporting Analytics
- Helping HR engage with Employees with a convenient Employee Portal
- Getting your HR Team and Processes in Shape
- What is Engagement? Helping our Clients really communicate with their employees
- How Kane benefits Dovetail clients with his HR own experience
- The definition of By HR, For HR
- Key signs of Poor HR Health
- Kane writes here on the Dovetail Blog about helping HR departments gain digital steam.
- On Twitter: @KaneFrisby
On Getting HR Fit: “If you are running on-premise software or are still using post-it notes and spread sheets, there are products out there for you, like Dovetail to help you get HR fit. You are probably running unfit software, take a good look out there.” – Kane Frisby
**For more interviews from our live #HRTechConf coverage, click here. Our goal is to bring you the brightest and most talented individuals in HR and those who develop, market & sell technologies which benefit and support HR processes & practices.